The only stable element seems to be the financial markets where investors (gamblers) are busy making a profit or minimising their losses after the panic last Friday caused by the unexpected vote for Brexit. Walk the two miles west from the stock exchange to the Houses of Parliament and here indeed we encounter farce. The Leave the EU campaign leaders with no idea what to do following their success last Thursday. A Tory government who have made no provision for the unlikely event that the country would vote to leave. All this compounded by the opposition in turmoil over leadership at the very moment when the country so desperately needs a clear and distinctive voice to lead us back to sanity.
In saying that BelperStuff must also look to itself and accept judgement from critics about any statement or viewpoint. I am of course referring to yesterday's blogpost which, for the first time ever, was critical of Jeremy Corbyn. There have been three notable responses to the post which, in the spirit of fairness I have to share but will not publish who it was who sent these comments because I have not asked their permission.
Here is the first:
I feel that there has been a massive attempt to rewrite history (not by you, but you are reporting it). That Corbyn’s campaign took him up and down the country offering an alternative vision inside a reformed Europe was indeed rarely reported. Alan Johnson was tasked with leading the campaign for Labour – and it actually succeeded with 64% Labour voter voting in – just 1% behind Sturgeon who is praised for her efforts. The rhetoric about not trying hard enough etc is therefore flawed on a basic examination of the outcome. Indeed could more have been done? Yes – you said yourself that there were piles of leaflets in region – was it Jeremy’s fault that they were not all delivered?
The Coup is about neo liberals who voted for Iraq and Syria getting revenge , and some of the PLP getting wrapped up in a cruciblesque (new word) hysteria. That is all. For my place, I think that when they lose the next leadership election then they need to ‘jog on’ and we can get around to selecting some new talent who are Democratic Socialists.
As for what Jeremy stands for – its all here and for me is an invigorating vision of what we could achieve and indeed what we may achieve given a fair wind. As for the vision of neo- liberal austerity light offered by the Coup-ers – it is certainly not for me.
................... and then this:
I do not accept the argument that Corbyn tried to undermine the pro case
A quick check of how Corbyn spoke about the EU reveals coherent and well informed remain arguments at events like this one on Sky :
I think we need to be very careful of the scapegoating and charges being thrown around about this.
.......... the final critical comment via a text (from the bloke who was my best man over 40 years ago):
That's the spirit, a Labour government at all costs. Never mind the policies.
It would appear that I am in a minority of one. BelperStuff may go quiet for a while as there is lot of stuff to wade through, especially the Jeremy Corbyn priorities link but first I will be revisiting the Sky News Jeremy Corbyn In or Out debate as suggested by the second commentator:
Before I go into purdah I will share with you a deep concern that arises from the idea that neo-liberals are out for revenge. What I see is the age old problem for labour where our hearts are to the left but our heads are to the right. This translates into those who seek election being pragmatic and being all things to all people whilst the membership believe that sticking to core socialist principles will ultimately prove to be electorally successful. At the moment the membership seems to be in the ascendent. My problem is that I bear the scars of similar internal struggles going back over many decades. The fear is that Jeremy will not, ultimately be able to regain the votes of the demographic that has deserted Labour.
This is the PHOTO used by UKIP.
Here are some more photos shot in Rigonce at the same time as Farage's poster:
Evil dangerous divisive extremist demagoguery coming from Farage.
30% Afghans
17% Iraqis
51% women and children (under 18)